We have been asked so many times over the years that the reply just rolls off the tongue: “the schools, the open space, the café culture and most importantly the sense of community”.
We do not take this for granted, these are all really important things. They are the reasons why our clients want to be here and they are the reasons we want to be here. As such we feel a responsibility to support the institutions that make this place so special, in particular the schools and the sports clubs.
Of course it’s not entirely altruistic. It all helps with brand awareness and promotion but it also feels like it’s the right thing to do. Not least because our children have attended these schools and clubs. These great institutions are at the heart of what makes the community around the Commons tick. Take Battersea Ironsides for an example: officially the rugby club with the largest playing membership in Europe who can also OFFICIALLY boast the most talented and passionate army of volunteers that make it what it is. We are seriously proud of them and their achievements.
Broomwood FC is another example, founded in 1988 by a few Dads on Wandsworth Common they are now FA chartered and have over 1,000 members. For the kids and parents involved it plays a huge part in their lives. We all know what a positive thing sport is – particularly for children. To play a part in helping these amazing clubs to keep going is something we are seriously proud of.
Then we have the schools – it’s not called Nappy Valley for nothing! If we were forced to choose one reason over and above all others as to why people come here, it would be the schools. We have made it our priority to support our amazing state schools wherever we can, whenever we can and we currently sponsor seven state primary schools in our areas.
From day one we were committed to contributing to our community.
It is a commitment we stand by today.