This is the most simple and effective marketing tool, available 24 hours a day
External and internal photographs will be prominently displayed in our premises in order to optimise exposure to the market place.
Wherever possible, all prospective buyers who register with us are asked to provide email addresses in order to ensure that they are notified of any new properties as soon as possible. We aim to therefore update any relevant buyers within 24 hours of receiving your instruction.
We will contact registered prospective buyers as soon as possible after receiving your instruction and your details will be forwarded to any new registered buyers immediately.
This is updated daily and full colour details of your home are placed on our website within 24 hours of being placed on the market. We also have an optional 360 degree virtual tour, which can assist to further enhance your property.
In addition to the exposure generated from our own site, Rampton Baseley will also advertise your home through the following national property websites:
Selling your home can be stressful so it is important to choose an agent you can trust and who will make this process as smooth as possible. At Rampton Baseley, we aim to eliminate the stress by working alongside you at every stage.
What to do next – buying or selling a home? Do you require a valuation? Please contact Rampton Baseley for advice.
In the meantime, here are a few guidelines which we hope will assist.
Firstly, if you are selling, you will require a valuation. At Rampton Baseley we can offer you a free, no obligation factual and accurate appraisal of the current market value of your home. Our experienced property valuers will provide you with a valuation based not only on their in-depth knowledge of your area, but also by utilising our extensive database of recent properties sold.
Having received your valuation, and provided that you are satisfied with it, we will then proceed to prepare bespoke marketing materials highlighting all relevant details for your property. Bearing in mind the importance of presentation, we will ensure that your sales details specifically target your chosen audience, highlight the vitally important aspects of your property and ensure that your home is shown to its best possible advantage with the aid of full colour photographs, floor plan etc.
We may hold copies of your photographic identity documents and at least one document that confirms your home address. This is required to protect our position and look after your interests. It assists us to ensure we are dealing with the owners of the property and we are not becoming involved in any money laundering situation. This will never be passed to third parties. We use enhanced third party software to carry out these checks and by signing the terms of business you are consenting to this.
At Rampton Baseley, we pride ourselves on our conscientious sales management. We aim to keep you regularly up to date on the sales process right through to completion and liaise with your purchaser, the legal representatives, surveyors and mortgage lenders in order to ensure your sale progresses as smoothly and as stress-free as possible.
Any offers received are promptly verbally notified and then followed up in writing. Our competent sales team will negotiate between you and your prospective buyers in order that we may select the best applicant for your needs. We will inform you of the position of the buyers and liaise with you until an acceptable offer has been agreed.
Should you require your sale to be completed by a certain date, you should notify us at this stage and we will endeavour to satisfy your request wherever possible.
At this point, you should also provide your list of Fixtures and Fittings, which will be negotiated separately between the solicitors and will form part of the final contract.
If you have not already done so, you will now need to instruct a solicitor. Should you require assistance, Rampton Baseley will happily recommend local firms.
The solicitors will then write to all parties and the buyers will instruct a surveyor to conduct a survey of your property (the “agreed sale” is subject to the contract and any survey) and the buyers’ mortgage offer (if required) will also be subject to the results of the survey.
The sellers’ solicitors will request the title deeds from the lender (if appropriate) or yourselves as the seller and the Fixtures and Fittings form must be completed at this stage.
The solicitors draw up the Draft Contract, which sets out the Terms of the Sale and sends it to the buyers’ solicitor together with all relevant documents. Any enquiries will then be raised, the Title Deeds and Lease (if applicable) will be checked and local searches carried out.
Once the draft contracts have been approved, it can be signed by both parties.
As long as the mortgage offer has been received and cleared funds placed with your buyer’s solicitor, a mutually convenient date can be agreed upon for the exchange of contracts.
On the day of completion, we as your agents have to wait for confirmation from the vendors’ solicitor that they have received the completion funds. This normally happens around lunchtime due to the bank clearing processes, however it can happen earlier or as late as close of business. When we have had confirmation, we will contact the purchaser to relay the good news and make arrangements for handing over the keys.