Over the last few years we have noticed that it has become increasingly popular to list properties for sale without being publicly advertised. There are many reasons why a vendor might like to do this; it could be that they would like to protect the web history of their property following a previous failed attempt to sell. It could also be that the vendor would prefer to be a little more discrete for professional reasons or it may suit them to keep their move private when it comes to friends and neighbours. A QFS (quietly for sale) instruction tends to involve almost every element of the selling process that we would employ on a typical sale.
For example, we would expect the entire sales team to visit the house and learn its key selling points; we would produce a brochure with floorplans and photographs and would still contact our extensive register of qualified buyers. We would however omit the property from public listings, on social media, our website and the various property portals. There would be no “for sale” sign and we would use as much discretion when discussing the address, as possible. If this is something that might appeal, please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss the differing fee structures.